
The Exceptionals:
Book 1
The Measure of a Man

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It was not a world anyone wanted to live in except
the terrorists. Their desperation to make the rest of the world
conform to their view of the universe, as far back as the 1980s,
had changed the world. It was a slow change at first, and then like
a dam that burst, the violence and irrationality of their vision
was imposed on the rest of the world.It was from this chaos and
lawlessness that a terrified world came to embrace the concept of
the Exceptionals: extraterritorial bio-enhanced bounty hunters,
who could go anywhere, do almost anything in the name of law. Their
lives were always at risk from the narco terrorists, tyrants and
hate mongers of this not-so-brave new world.
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The Exceptionals:
Book 2
Across the Wasteland

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In the near tomorrow, Narco-Terrorists
and ultra criminals with world conquering agendas prompt the governments
of the world to create The Exceptionals, various groups of bio-enhanced
bounty hunters, who could go anywhere in the name of justice and
the law. In this sequel to "The Exceptionals: The Measure of
a Man", Lastshot and the alluring and deadly Skorpion are stranded
in the nuclear wasteland that once was Chechnya.
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The Exceptionals:
Book 3
On the Good Ship Caligula

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When the Exceptionals uncover a deadly
gladiatorial combat that has been televised worldwide, they make
an even more horrifying discovery: one of their own, the techninja
Temper, is a participant and fighting for her life.Conner Le-Shott
is convicted of murder and then escapes jail only to find himself
embroiled in the deadly games. He meets the young girl, Jester,
who badly needs his help and finds his interest is more than professional.
2010 EPPIE AWARD Finalist!
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A fantasy tale of thwarted love
and piratical lust, blood and treasure! Sister Shinara of the Yulinites
is on a ship that is attacked by Aurzia- the Red Mistress. When
the pirate's men are going to kill Shinara and the five novices
in her care the sister makes a deal with the pirate queen to lead
her to a 'great treasure' in a distance monastery. Meanwhile near
that monastery young monk Zak has been slipping out of the monastery
to have an affair with a noblewoman using a magic talisman but he
haunted by the memory of Shinara. The Red Mistress leads her brigands
on a cross-country trek to loot the monastery with Shinara in tow
and a strange bond develops between them.
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When evil is too strong, when pain
grows too powerful, then vengence and justice merge. At that moment
of merger, the Skullmask emerges. Worn by hundreds over the years,
and carrying the memories and skills of each of its bearers, the
Skullmask enables the wronged to get their revenge...but there is
always a price to pay.
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A millionaire haunted by a demon
consults a fortuneteller, a sideshow performer is captured in a
horrible spell, a Hollywood producer cheats the wrong man, a cuckolded
husband is invited to an odd dance and then there is that strange
clown by the side of the road in Kansas…
To many people, the experience of theatre is akin to the mystical
experience of religion—the transformation of the human being
into a deity—all occur as much with the smell of greasepaint
in one’s nostrils as with incense.
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Chasing a headline is just a job for ace reporter
Moxie Donnovan, but sometimes those headlines turn on him and
bite. Moxie, along with his sexy better half, Maxi (a theater
and film actor) face a tiger-sized panther, mechanical gunmen
who support the master race, Irish Fae with the urge to pay Moxie
back for the loot his grandfather took from them, murder and a
hypnotist intent on re-filming Ben Hur.
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Reporter Moxie Donnovan has followed his
actor-wife to Hollywood and taken a job as a studio flack, but
he hasn't lost his eye for a story... and Hollywood is full of
stories. It's 1938, Hitler rules Germany and is supporting U.S.
Nazi groups, the studio system is in full force, America still
suffers from the Great Depression, and hard-boiled reporter heroes
are the order of the day.
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Who can the Crown call when a hideous
curse has been caste on a nobleman in Regency England? Who will
throw down the gauntlet when the fog bound Victorian streets of
Whitechapel are the hunting ground for a subhuman, monster? Who
can stand and fight when a bloodthirsty vampire rises from the tomb
in the Kentish Marshes? Doctor Augustus Argent, Sorcerer Supreme
and Agent without portfolio for the Crown that’s who!
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In the 1930s, the world stands at the brink
of war, Japan is intent on its conquest of China, and criminal
masterminds are using the confusion to carve out their own empires.
Into this world strides Dr. Shadows.
When his plane was shot down over Korea by the Japanese, Dr.
Shadows was nearly killed, being rescued by Korean monks who nursed
him back to health with an herbal treatment that turned his skin
an ashen gray, but that also gives him a speed and agility unmatched
by others. After years of healing and martial arts training, Dr.
Shadows is back in New York where he's established the Shadows
Foundation for Justice. Through this organization (and with the
help of sidekicks Slugger Harris and monk and martial artist Dr.
Hoon and perky Lee Han Ku (Hank)) he'll attempt to right wrongs,
solve crimes, and defeat crimelords whose greed is spurring the
world toward war.
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Jonathon Shadows is a private investigator who
specializes in undercover assignments. He learns his friend and
former Marine Corps colleague Danni Shaw is dead in a mysterious
accident on the island of the video game mogul Barret K Wolf.
Danni worked for Wolf, portraying the Amazon warrior Suprema in
highly successful video games shot at the island’s castle
and jousting fields. Emily, Danni’s widow is sure there
is more to it than a simple tragedy and comes to Shadows to ask
him to find out what really happened.
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